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- 10 rem copyright 1987 compute! publications, inc. - all rights reserved
- 20 ifl>0then60
- 30 poke52,32:poke56,32:poke252,0:clr
- 40 print"[147] copyright 1987 compute! pub., inc."
- 50 printtab(10)"all rights reserved"
- 60 gosub130
- 70 gosub300
- 80 ifcm=7then110
- 90 poke845,pr(1):poke846,pr(2):poke53287,pr(1):sys32768
- 100 goto70
- 110 input"[147]exit (y/n)";fc$:iffc$<>"y"then70
- 120 print"[147]processing complete":poke251,0:end
- 130 ifpeek(251)=86thenpoke839,0:goto190
- 140 ifl=0thenl=1:load"sketch-pad",8,1
- 150 ifl=1thenl=2:load"savesketch",8,1
- 160 ifl=2thenl=3:load"printsketch",8,1
- 170 forc1=1to128:readsp:poke16255+c1,sp:next
- 180 poke839,1:poke833,1:poke840,50
- 190 cm$(1)="paint color":pr(1)=0
- 200 cm$(2)="background color":pr(2)=14
- 210 cm$(3)="save sketch"
- 220 cm$(4)="save transfer"
- 230 cm$(5)="load sketch"
- 240 cm$(6)="load transfer"
- 250 cm$(7)="exit to basic"
- 260 ifpeek(251)<>86thencm=1
- 270 poke251,86
- 280 ba=27998:poke878,peek(ba):poke879,peek(ba+1)
- 290 return
- 300 poke53280,6:poke53281,6:print"[147][159]"
- 310 print""tab(15)"[144]sketch pad"
- 320 ifcm=0thencm=1
- 330 forc1=1to7:print" "
- 340 ifc1<3thenprinttab(20);:ford=1to16:poke646,d:print" [146]";:next:print:goto360
- 350 print" "
- 360 print"[159]";:ifc1=cmthenprint"";
- 370 printcm$(c1)
- 380 next
- 390 print""
- 400 printtab(24)"[144]f1-sketch"
- 410 printtab(24)"f7-print[159]"
- 420 gosub930
- 430 getfc$
- 440 iffc$="[133]"thenifcm=7thencm=1
- 450 iffc$="[133]"then920
- 460 iffc$="[136]"thengosub1040:goto300
- 470 ifpeek(56320)=127then430
- 480 j1=peek(56320)
- 490 if(j1or239)=239then630
- 500 if(j1or247)=247then610
- 510 if(j1or251)=251then580
- 520 if(j1or253)=253then560
- 530 if(j1or254)<>254then430
- 540 cm=cm-1:ifcm<1thencm=7
- 550 goto310
- 560 cm=cm+1:ifcm>7thencm=1
- 570 goto310
- 580 ifcm>2then430
- 590 pr(cm)=pr(cm)-1:ifpr(cm)<0thenpr(cm)=15
- 600 goto420
- 610 pr(cm)=pr(cm)+1:ifpr(cm)>15thenpr(cm)=0
- 620 goto420
- 630 ifcm=7then920
- 640 ifcm<3then430
- 650 print"[147]";cm$(cm);"":fc$=""
- 660 input"file name";fc$:iffc$=""then300
- 670 ifcm=3orcm=5thenfc$="sp."+left$(fc$,12)
- 680 ifcm=4orcm=6thenfc$="sx."+left$(fc$,12)
- 690 open15,8,15
- 700 open2,8,2,fc$+",p,r":input#15,e,e$
- 710 close2:close15
- 720 ife>0thenifcm>4then870
- 730 ife=0thenifcm<5then870
- 740 ifcm>4thenloadfc$,8,1
- 750 pk=17950:pokepk,(len(fc$))
- 760 print"saving ";fc$;""
- 770 ifcm=3thenba=8192:ea=ba+8000
- 780 ifcm=4thenba=27998:ea=ba+int((peek(878)/8)*peek(879))+10
- 790 bh=int(ba/256):bl=ba-(bh*256)
- 800 eh=int(ea/256):el=ea-(eh*256)
- 810 poke18030,bl:poke18034,bh:poke18038,el:poke18040,eh
- 820 forc1=1tolen(fc$):pokepk+c1,asc(mid$(fc$,c1,1)):next
- 830 ifcm=4thenpokeba,peek(878):pokeba+1,peek(879)
- 840 sys18000
- 850 ifpeek(pk)=0then300
- 860 print"bad save":goto880
- 870 printe;e$;""
- 880 print"press return to continue"
- 890 getfc$:iffc$<>""then890
- 900 getfc$:iffc$=""then900
- 910 goto300
- 920 return
- 930 print""
- 940 printtab(20);
- 950 forc1=0to15:ifc1=pr(1)thenprint"^";:goto970
- 960 print" ";
- 970 next
- 980 print""
- 990 printtab(20);
- 1000 forc1=0to15:ifc1=pr(2)thenprint"^";:goto1020
- 1010 print" ";
- 1020 next
- 1030 return
- 1040 print"[147]sketch print process"
- 1050 print"print picture l[146]-large or s[146]-small?"
- 1060 getfc$:iffc$<>""then1060
- 1070 getfc$:iffc$=""then1070
- 1080 iffc$="l"thenpoke49220,0:goto1110
- 1090 iffc$="s"thenpoke49220,1:goto1110
- 1100 goto1120
- 1110 sys49300
- 1120 return
- 1130 data0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- 1140 data0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- 1150 data0,0,0,0,0,255,128,0
- 1160 data160,192,0,160,224,0,160,192
- 1170 data0,255,128,0,0,0,0,0
- 1180 data0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- 1190 data0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- 1200 data0,0,0,0,0,0,0,128
- 1210 data0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- 1220 data0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- 1230 data0,0,0,0,0,0,3,255
- 1240 data0,6,5,0,14,5,0,6
- 1250 data5,0,3,255,0,0,0,0
- 1260 data0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- 1270 data0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- 1280 data0,0,0,0,0,0,0,128